here you'll find absolutely everything you need to throw your farthest
Throw farther and do it faster with these training strategies. Join my email newsletter to get my FREE Discus & Shot Put Training Guide.

I have spent most of my life (and I mean like the last 23 years of my life) pursuing one goal... to figure out how to throw far and to do it as often as possible. I've worked tirelessly, have spent tens of thousands of dollars, and have tried about everything I could do in training trying to figure out this sport of ours. Some things I did right and others I did completely wrong, but one thing is for sure...

I know what it takes to throw far and every day I put that to work in my own training. You may know me as a discus coach, and that is true, but I am first a discus thrower. I am training to throw the discus over 200' in my 30's and like you, I'm doing everything in my power to achieve my goal.
I've learned that throwing far isn't really all that complicated (I didn't say easy), but in order to do so, you must get past surface level instruction like "just use your legs" or "go faster" and be willing to choose consistency if you want to throw farther and do it often.
But John, what about throwing camps? I don't host throwing camps, that's just not how I operate. I DO things differently. Actually, if I was set on making a bunch of money I would just host several throwing camps all summer long. With the size of my audience, I could easily get 200-300 athletes at a camp and I could really cash in...
But I think most camps are worthless, at least for the athletes. I know because I was the eager young thrower that went to the camps, and unfortunately, I'm not sure I ever had any long-lasting improvement from attending one. I always left underwhelmed and had just as many questions as I came in with. Sure, going to a camp sounds nice (and might be fun), but I doubt it will make a long-term difference in your throwing.

You need top-tier instruction on technique and training methods.
A place to get real life questions answered by someone who knows what they are talking about.
A consistent stream of sound throws training information for inspiration to help you stay on track as you train week after week, month after month, and year after year.
Here's the good news, that kind of training does exist and that's exactly what I've built for you in my Discus Throw & Rotational Shot Put Course and on Team Bowmanthrows on Patreon.
You need someone (who knows what they are talking about) that you can reach out to ask about things that come up in training and that person is me (John Bowman) and the coaches on Team Bowmanthrows.
Do you have big, impossible dreams like me and want the right guidance to achieve them? Then come on over and join the over 150 coaches, parents, and athletes who've used the Bowmanthrows Throws Training Resources to throw farther!
⬇⬇⬇ JOIN TODAY ⬇⬇⬇

Volunteer HS Coach
John, thanks so much for putting the Patreon account together! I have really appreciated your videos as I have been helping my daughter improve her discus form. You have really helped us!! She has felt stuck this season, but she finally broke out yesterday at a dual meet (in the cold/hail/wind!!) with a new personal best! Thanks again for the platform you have set up. It's helping a bunch of kids in Utah. :)
Parent & Throws Coach
​"John, thank you for all your training materials! We kept it simple this year with my throwers but had an amazing season! We had three 4th grade boys that took their power throws from the mid 30's to each throwing over 50'! My 4th grade girl threw in the mid 40's. My 7th grade girls had a great year with my daughter figuring out the 1/2 turn to throw a 86'-6" PR, and my 8th grade boy thru 114 from the power throw! It is amazing what practice and just making the disc fly will do! Thank you! Looking forward to the progression to the full turn!"

HS Throws Coach
You've taken us to another level with the faster feet and hips lowering through the spin. We are all excited. Thank You!
Thrower & HS Coach
"The course has been awesome, well laid out, and easy to understand! My stand throws and half turns have really come along. The concept of pushing was new to me, but really makes sense and I can feel the difference."
Discus Thrower
"Your course is spot on for learning the full rotation. I like how you break down the movement into digestible parts and build from standstill to the full rotation."​